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Updated: Jan 15, 2023

Robert Miller

Think of something that is disturbing. Rate it on 0-10 (most disturbing)

Assign it a color-notice where you feel it in your body.

  • Breathe in slowly 3 X's-imagine breathing out the color through your pores. (like a big fog being released)

  • Center of your brain-Breathe out the color slowly 3 X's through the center of your forehead.

  • Eyes - Breathe out the color slowly 3 X's through your eyes.

  • Chest - Breathe out the color slowly 3 X's

  • Hands/Palms-Breathe out the color slowly 3 X's through your hands (imagine the color dripping out of your hands/fingertips)

  • Down legs (uncross legs) - Breathe out the color slowly through legs/feet

  • Scan your body, notice if there is any color left remaining in any part of your body. If there is remaining color, focus on that body part and breathe slowly X3, repeat body scan.

  • If you have no color remaining, re-rate 0-10

*This takes approximately 5 minutes and is extremely effective.

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