BODY- On average we activate the stress response 50 times a day activating cortisol,
epinephrine, norepinephrine, blood flow surges (like a fire-hose), etc. & SHUTS DOWN THE IMMUNE SYSTEM so our 50 trillion cells can’t naturally repair & heal. Unfortunately, we DO NOT COMPLETE the stress response. “Wellness is NOT a state of mind or being, it is action. It is freed through the natural cycles in our body.”-Emily Nagoski
BREATHS- will instantly reset your nervous system & shut off stress response
Blow out hard, take in 3-5 slow deep breaths
Inhale for 4 sec, hold for 7 seconds & release for 8 seconds X 3
Cleansing Breath-Alternate nostril breathing-press right side of nostril & inhale 6 sec, switch to left nostril as you exhale, inhale right nostril & exhale left nostril-calms, purifies & strengthens nervous system.
TOUCH-Fastest way to calm us & repair damage from cortisol is touch & produces oxytocin
Put hand on heart, recall a time where you felt safe, loved for 1 minute-instantly calms body
Rub back of your head-above the neck in the triangle spot-oxytocin will immediately release
Hug-20 sec full body hug-releases oxytocin for both parties.
EXERCISE/MOVEMENT-Every time your stressed, move your body!
Tighten all body parts X 15 sec, release X 30 seconds-repeat up to 5 cycles
Tighten each body part X 7 seconds, release X 15 seconds-great for sleep
Find a calm body part & a tense body part & shift your attention back & forth
Power Pose X 2 minutes-Raises your testosterone by 20% and lowers cortisol by 25%
Shake out your hands for several times, then breathe
Cortisol Flush-hands on hip-lean back & look up (repeat throughout the day) up to total 20 min
Hands behind head & sit back- reduces cortisol
Brain hug-1 hand on forehead, other hand on back of head (close to neck), gently hold 30 seconds
Cross your arms and brush downwards on each arm-raises endorphins
“Mindful Walk”-using all of your senses, 3 things you can smell, 3 shades of green, 3 things hear, etc.
VISUALIZATION-Your body can’t tell difference between “imagined” experience vs “real”
Heart Rate Coherence-“The Zone”-think of something that makes you smile for 1-2 minutes. This will reset your heart rate variability (the space between the beats) which is considered the most important aspect of stress management.
Utilize an App- Insight Timers, Headspace, Calm
SLEEP - 8-9 hours REST- 10–20-minute nap, close eyes for 10 minutes, daydream, Pray
CRY - Completes the stress response
LAUGHTER - Laughing or remembering a time when you belly laughed, watching You Tube videos, listening to comedians, etc.
CREATIVE EXPRESSION - Writing, song, performing, journal, dance, even for a few minutes
CONNECTION - People, animals, nature, divine
*Being with people 1 hour a week makes an enormous difference. Make sure you are with people that care about you the same way you care for them. This is where you get recharged and re-balanced.
Bilateral Music by David Grand-helps soothe
Purchase: SAFE & SOUND PROTOCOL- *Takes out higher/lower ranges for ADHD/PTSD & Autism
Any other music you like!
Adapted from Emily Nagoski’s talk on “Stress Management”